Monday, June 29, 2015

Dear Christians

Christian Faith based on logic.  What a wonderful world.  So if you want to understand God's real position on gay marriage, read this:

you can love God more if you understand what the Bible really says

Saturday, June 27, 2015

What it means

She asked: 
What if I was grateful for everything? How would my life change?
What if I told you I was grateful for you? How would your life change?
(These aren't actually meant to be answered, just pondered.)

I said:
I learned the answer to all four just yesterday.

She replied:



God is working His Will through so many people in the country.

What Would Jesus Do?

Question Answered.

Christian Pastor Announced What He Will Do If His Children Are Gay

Gun Control Revisited

I have recently, through the understand, patience and gentle guidance of a stranger, come to see good gun owners as people who have a need to protect others from harm.

I do not want to take your guns or your concealed carry permits (which are basically the local sheriff's station deputizing you do what you have to do to protect people from harm).

I do, however, need your help getting guns away from crazy people and setting limits on certain things like oh armor piercing bullets cos crazy use them on cops, and um stuff like that.

Can we work on that together?  I would really like to come to an arrangement where Charleston becomes an impossibility because that young man would NOT have been given a gun for his birthday.

And if we could figure out how to stop that from happening again, without jeopardizing your ability to protect me from crazy people, that would so awesomsauce!

Ideas?  Suggestions?  Let the brainstorming begin cos the time has come to stop fighting and start seeking solutions.

I'm tired of fighting.  I'm exhausted and my head hurts and I can't do it anymore.

So can I just ask that everybody calm down and we work on a solution?  and again, I would like to put forth my suggestion that you may keep your handguns and hunting riffles, but anything bigger than that is only available at a licensed shooting range.

And handguns have to be registered to track crazy people who use them for harm, so can you let that one go?  it's not a registration of people to attack.  It's a registration of the responsible members of society who feel the impetus to prepare to be heroes and save others.

But there are crazy people in this world and I would like it if we could keep track of the handguns in this country for no other purpose than to be able to take them away from crazy people.

Is that ok? Modifications to this plan are welcome.

Thank You so much

This blog has a small handful of loyal followers who check for updates routinely and read every post.

I've never had a following before.

Thank you for listening.

you're a quiet bunch, nobody's commented yet, but I know you're there.

And just being heard is marvelous.

cos I'm a writer, and that's our thing, we just want people to listen to us.
I Love People.  I love any expression of God.  I love Muhammad.  And the Dalai Lama.  And Jesus.  And Ganesh. 

I love our belief in something Holy and Divine.

Because even if there isn't a God, feeling God in your soul is wonderful.  We all feel it.  Right here.  Right in that core of our being.  We all know how GOODNESS in the world makes us feel. 

We all know it because when tragedy strikes, we all instinctual run to help however we can.  Earthquakes.  Tsumamis.  Natural tragedy prompt our most generous outpouring of support and solidarity.

And we all feel motivated by goodness to come together in this way time and time again all over the world.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is GOD.

I do not know if God is a Being or just the expression of goodness in the world.

But either way, I feel Him lighting my soul ablaze.

The world is a wonderful place filled with wonderful people when you understand them from all angles and can appreciate the base motivations of fear and love that control all of us and dictate our responses to ideas, ideology, and imagination.

We are created complex, but at the core, we're very simple.

And beautiful.  And human.  And awful.  And hurting.  And struggling.  And trying to love in a world where we feel so much hate from so many people every day.

It happens to all of us.  It happens to those of us with privilege, just not as much and not as deeply.

But everybody runs into someone who is a jerk, male or female.  Jerk's hate everyone and spit on everyone they encounter because they can.

Because they have to.

Because deep down they feel threatened and being a jerk it an attempt to protect themselves.

Evil is fear.  Evil begins with fear.  Serial killers are made not born.  Rapists are made not born.

We do not understand how all of us contribute invisibly to the creation of these evil individuals.

But we all do.

And we don't know it.

But I have a solution.  And it might work. 

But I also have mental illness, so right now I'm waiting for word on whether my solution is genius or crazy.

I'll let you know.
Her: Knowledge is power.

Me:  Knowledge is everything. I want to know everything about this world and everyone in it, even the bad people. Because I want to understand God and he made us in his own image so we are all God. and so I want to know everyone so I can know God.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Flash Fiction

Moved today as I am by the Supreme Court's ruling to uphold the separation of church and state so that we may live our faith as it feels most natural and righteous to us, I imagine a world where the separation of church and state is not necessary because the only law is LOVE.

Coming To Utopia
"As the world celebrates the official decision in Syria to join the World Congress and accept legal, social, and economic equality with and for all of the people in their country," Bill O'Reilly began, "we invite you to listen to His Holiness, the emissary of God, on this momentous occasion."

The screen showed an old man, in the simple clothing of Christ and Muhammad and per-Christianity Jews, adorned with nothing more than his glasses, standing before a podium in front of the World Congress.

"My fellow divinely created beings," he began in a voice roughened and aged by the many of years of his lifetimes, "Three years ago, the Creator sent me through the Temple in Jerusalem -- that you rebuilt with love, cooperation, and respect -- to welcome you today to this new world of peace," he finished. The old man brought his hands before him in prayer, bowed his head, kissed his thumbs and whispered to the world, "Unbunto." I am because you are.

Through the generations that began with microscopic particles, the world had slowly evolved over millennia, they had evolved into people who did not live the Word, they were the Word. In all faiths, in all lands, in all ways.

From above, the King of Kings, the Creator, the Engineer, the Artist, and the First Love, God Almighty, checked off the third task on his to-do list.