I have recently, through the understand, patience and gentle guidance of a stranger, come to see good gun owners as people who have a need to protect others from harm.
I do not want to take your guns or your concealed carry permits (which are basically the local sheriff's station deputizing you do what you have to do to protect people from harm).
I do, however, need your help getting guns away from crazy people and setting limits on certain things like oh armor piercing bullets cos crazy use them on cops, and um stuff like that.
Can we work on that together? I would really like to come to an arrangement where Charleston becomes an impossibility because that young man would NOT have been given a gun for his birthday.
And if we could figure out how to stop that from happening again, without jeopardizing your ability to protect me from crazy people, that would so awesomsauce!
Ideas? Suggestions? Let the brainstorming begin cos the time has come to stop fighting and start seeking solutions.
I'm tired of fighting. I'm exhausted and my head hurts and I can't do it anymore.
So can I just ask that everybody calm down and we work on a solution? and again, I would like to put forth my suggestion that you may keep your handguns and hunting riffles, but anything bigger than that is only available at a licensed shooting range.
And handguns have to be registered to track crazy people who use them for harm, so can you let that one go? it's not a registration of people to attack. It's a registration of the responsible members of society who feel the impetus to prepare to be heroes and save others.
But there are crazy people in this world and I would like it if we could keep track of the handguns in this country for no other purpose than to be able to take them away from crazy people.
Is that ok? Modifications to this plan are welcome.
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