Tuesday, May 19, 2015



Planting trees as a community of 44,000 people because trees eat carbon dioxide and they're beautiful and peaceful and one of the best things on this planet (right up there with pets and flowers and gardening and good, healthy, FRESH, GORGEOUS PRODUCE).  I have a theory I do want to test scientifically with Mr. deGrasse Tyson.  I want to ask him, because trees to breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen -- if we planted MILLIONS OF THEM on EVERY SINGLE SQUARE INCH WE HAVE AVAILABLE -- could we save the planet from Global Warming and improve the environment and begin again to treat our Spiritual, Chemcial, Source of Life, TRUE MOTHER as we do with our own and our friends with Mother's Day?

And can we turn Earth Day into Mother's Day? (and thereby give something back to the woman who invented it and wanted it to be a feminism celebration between women and regretted starting it when it turned commercial and became about Republican Motherhood (see history))

Can we live our faith to save each other and the Earth...

And ourselves?

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