Corrections and Explanations
Make abortion legal for every woman until her baby has a heartbeat. If you go to get an abortion and your child has a heartbeat, you gotta come up with another plan because you cannot have an abortion.
Feminists we're gonna have to give a little. And please read the whole thing before you freak because if you have a better idea, I'm open to it. If you have a worse idea, I'm open to it. This is a suggestion. I am offering ideas.
You cannot induce a miscarriage (evidence supplied by medical sources and NOT somebody starting gossip because they don't like you). A profile will come and talk to you in the hospital. If you've had a legit miscarriage, it's gonna be all over you so don't worry about that at all.
What I am talking about is the psychological term for a feeling or emotion: affect.
When you have experienced trauma, everyone experiences a similar emotional response. They use the same words to describe their experiences. They are either in shock and barely able to respond or they cannot stop crying. I don't care how strong a woman is you lose a baby you wanted your affect will be right. And so will Daddy's.
Forensic profilers know how to read your affect. They know what to look for, they know if something sounds off. And even if it's not the popular opinion, they are usually right because they study this stuff at Quantico.
It's important that you understand we ARE NOT talking about the insidious evil that is racial profiling.
We are not talking about oppression and discrimination.
We are talking about the study of behavior. The science of Criminal Forensic Profiling has been around since the very early 80s. The first case solved with it was Wayne Williams, who matched the profile so closely that they knew they had him(and they had some fiber evidence, but not very convincing evidence) and they were able to convict him.
Williams murdered black boys in Altanta in 1981. For months, black boys kept showing up along rivers. The police were stumped.
They called in the FBI profilers -- they called in the man who *invented* the science. His first realization was that the murderer was African-American because he moved through black neighborhoods and picked these children off the sidewalk without causing even a tiny little ripple. Nobody noticed.
Atlanta lost its mind at the suggestion that a black man was murdering black children.
But when they locked up Wayne Williams, the murders STOPPED and have never begun again.
Profiling WORKS. It is an art and a science; it is not always 100%, but it is based on the science of behavior. It is a direct descendent of Pavlov's dogs. It is studying behavior to understand the mind. It is based on FBI data about the way people who commit this crime behave. It's based on observation. It's based on interviews with serial killers and rapists and the most horrible people in the country. It's based on a career of working with victims. It's based on first hand observation of how people who have been robbed, raped, beaten behave.
They have things in common, not just traits or experiences in childhood, but behavior. Criminals and victims ALL do some of the same things. Nobody is original. They know too much about the style and behavior of crime and trauma. They know how to study affect. They know what it means when you are more nervous about getting caught than you are devastated about having been raped. They notice when you're more afraid of getting caught than you are upset that you lost your baby. People who have lost a child they already loved are grief-stricken. It's obvious. It's trauma. It's horrible.
You're not gonna get tested for anything unless it is not horrible.
Women and men are gonna have to start being freaking careful. Because if they aren't -- if they get drunk and get pregnant -- they're gonna be in a world of trouble if they miss that 5 week mark.
People are going to have to take responsibility for their sexual behavior.
I'm not saying they're going to stop being promiscuous. I'm saying we're gonna force everybody to be grow up and behave responsibility when it comes to sexual activity.
(and as a side note, as we just learned in Texas, if you do not teach children how to be responsible, they will not know). Abstinence education fails to tell children that if they do decide they are old enough to make their own decisions, that they need to take these precautions so they avoid all that bad stuff.
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