Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Gun Control

I do not want to take your guns.

I do not hate you for owning them or enjoying them.

I just wanna stop people from shooting other people on purpose or on accident.

No, I'm not a gun aficionado.  But I grew up in West Michigan about four hours north of Chicago where the first day of rifle season is a school holiday because so many kids are out hunting it doesn't make sense to hold school.

I don't hate your guns.  I understand their value to you.  I understand they are part of an enjoyable hobby.  I don't think you're crazy.

Ok, if you're totin' machine guns around town, yeah, I think you've gone too far.

But if you just have a gun rack in your basement where you keep the family hunting rifles, I am so cool with you.  If you just want to fire a weapon because the power of it is incredible, I'm not gonna stop you.

I would not vote for a president who wants to take your guns away.  I would absolutely vote for one who wants to put some limits on where and when you can use them.

So, here's my compromise:


at a licensed gun club. You do not own the weapon.  You do not leave with it.  It is locked up every second it is not being rented.  You can fire all the AK-47, 50 caliber whatever stuff you want.

But ONLY at the gun club.

You can keep all of your hunting RIFLES (Please, note: a semi-automatic is not a hunting rifle.  If you think it is, I value your inherent divinity.  I'm sorry we disagree.  I am not judging you; please do not judge me.  I just don't want PEOPLE shot).

I'm not taking your handguns because I know they're important and valuable and provide safety and security to you and your family.

BUT... it's like a car, man, you gotta have a license to use a deadly weapon.  In every state you have to have a hunting permit.  Why are you so upset at the idea of registering your weapon?  You already ARE every time you go hunting.  You gotta register your weapon.  And you've gotta be respectful and responsible of that weapon's ability to take a life.  You've got to teach your children proper gun safety so they know how to behave around a gun.  It's not just about knowing how to shoot; it's about knowing when not to.

You leave a gun unattended near a child we take all of your guns and you never get another one and you are not allowed to use a firing range and we have a national list of these people that is mandatory reporting from every state..

And then you get to go to jail for your failure to adequately protect children from a deadly weapon.

And y'all I am down with friendly fire, ok.  Accidents happen.  But skinhead thugs (and YES I said it) having a shootout that leaves 9 dead?   I don't think NO! is a strong enough word.

Talk.  Discuss.  Share with me and others your thoughts an ideas. Negotiate.  Offer your terms.  I don't care if you comment on my page, as long as I know people are reading it.  But in your own lives, start working towards solutions.  Please, divest yourself of the anger and mistrust that politicians and media (ON BOTH SIDES) like to control.

Forget them.  Let's do this ourselves!

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