Friday, May 8, 2015

Full Disclosure

I am not a Christian, nor a Muslim, nor Jewish, nor Hindi, Pagan,Wiccan or Atheist.

I am an agnostic.

No one has proof that God exist.  No one has proof that there isn't one.

I do not know. 

What I do know is that while atheists may be right (that there is no God as we have imagined such a Being to be) that does not rule out the fact that we cannot imagine what we cannot imagine.  It may be that there IS a God, but that Being is beyond our imagination.

If there is such a Being, I believe IT (and I use a non-gendered pronoun because The Bible clearly states that God made us in its own image and we are undoubtedly male, female and everywhere in between, so God is all people, of all sexes, genders, races and faiths).  Anyway, if there is a Creator, It is clearly not only a painter, but an engineer.  The world of physics, biology, chemistry, and really science in general, is understood through the language of math.  We only know what we know about the world through mathematical equations.  Math is spoken in every country; indeed it is the ONLY international language.  Math, then, is the language of God (which is kind of depressing for me because I'm horrible at math and, therefore, cannot read, write or speak the language of God, much as I may like to).

If such a Being exists, It has divinely created the universe with solid mathematical principles.  God is a scientist.  And despite what those on the right would have you believe, most scientists are devoutly invested in the existence of God because they see evidence of It in their own work, everyday.

Yet, believing in God is not necessary to live a decent life.  You can be a good person AND an atheist or an agnostic.

I talk a lot about religious books of faith, but I ascribe none greater than any other.  They all contain beautiful words, important lessons, and The Essential Truth.

That Truth is that we are here to love and care for life in all its forms:  Our fellow human beings, animals, the planet we live on, and any life that may exist in the Universe.

I do not judge others by their faith or their sins, I judge them only by their kindness, compassion, love, willingness to understand and bring peace to those in conflict.

I am agnostic, but I do believe in what Abraham Lincoln called, "the better angels of our nature."  I believe in goodness.  I believe in the inherent, inalienable value of all living beings.  I believe in equality -- across the board, for all, regardless of whether they live like me or agree with me. 

But while I do not know if there is a Heavenly Being, I hope so.  A Higher Power who loves everybody without conflict, without reservation, regardless of faith or sin would be wonderful.

And it is this Being I aim to emulate.

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